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Long Love Poems

Love Poem #30


Below is a specific work from the long love poems collection. Absorb and enjoy reading it because we already have. Don't forget that you can navigate around our collection of classic love poems by using the back/forward arrows right under the poem.

The Rising Of The Sun

Gazing out across the water
as the sun begins to die.
The orange ball that once gave light
is slowly fading from the sky.
The sound of humans have quieted
and the waters motion is slow.
The crickets have begun their chirping
as the wind just lightly blows.
The sun has finally vanished now;
completing its job for the day.
The stars begin to form
above the trees that slightly sway.
Another day has come and gone.
The evening has just begun.
But it won't be long till once again
"The Rising Of The Sun."

~Tonya Keener~

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